The Principle of Complementarity(Niels Bohr, 1885-1962) QUOTES: "I t is impossible to observe both the wave and particle aspects simultaneously. Together, however, they present a fuller description than either of the two taken alone." This s imple statement is enough to describe the gist of the Universal law. It is called, generally speaking, Pairs' Principle. It is none other than the law of duality. QUOTES: " The law of duality means that two exact opposite results derive out of a same thing . The nature teaches us that following each sunrise is a sunset. After each day there is a night, after every spring there fails to be an autumn, each organism living shall soon be dead." The Bible tells us the very origin of it, namely, the law of TRINITY. "The only begotten Son"(John 3:16). "I and My Father are One."(John 10:30) "I am in My Father and He in Me." "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the n...