Melchizedek Focused on in This "Time of the End"(Dan. 12:4) of 21st Century
"Without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life, resembling the Son of God, he remains a priest forever."(Heb. 7:4) This verse clearly depicts Adam.
According to the Bible, this man Melchizedek lives now on this earth, as well as in "the air."(Eph. 2:2/Rev. 1:7/Acts 1:9-11) It is because Melchizedek has his "spiritual body"(1 Cor. 15:44) just as our resurrected Lord Jesus Christ.
Who is this Melchizedek then? He is none other than Adam resurrected. There are three men who have been resurrected beforehand(before the Last Judgement Day), Elijah, Enoch and Adam. Even the two men, Enoch and Elijah, didn't see death. Adam had to see death, since he was the first man of FIRST death.
However, Adam resurrected can no more be called "Adam" again. Adam's dead. The role of Adam as the First man in history has been finished by his sin and death. So "Melchizedek" is now the name of Adam transformed. Melchizedek can't be an angel, as some say, for priests of any kind before God ought to be men altogether.
The first man Adam vs the Last Adam(1 Cor. 15:45).
Adam, Enoch and Elijah in their "aforetime resurrection" have something in common in uniqueness of meaning and importance. That is, God does want all of us to know THIS MORTALITY OF MANKIND IS COMPLETELY OUT OF HIS WILL. He is not pleased with this. Not at all. It is because God has never created man to die. Therefore, As soon as Adam met his death and passed away, God immediately took Enoch away as alive as ever and WITHOUT DEATH that all the world might see the difference.
And Elijah. John the Baptist is a type of Elijah. Elijah's attached to "the Last ADAM" while
Enoch to "the first man Adam". The former, AFTER THE DEATH of the first Adam. The latter, BEFORE THE BIRTH of the Last Adam. All of these denote that "ADAM" means IMMORTALITY.
And now Adam(the first man) himself. "Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression."(1 Tim. 2:14, KJV) "And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner."(NIV) And so, we might say Adam had every reason to be resurrected aforetime in Christ the Last Adam to fulfill the words of
“You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.”(Ps.110:4)
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